6 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Demand Generation Marketing

[ Amidst all the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI), we’re learning more about what a future with AI could mean while AI is learning more about us and our world. As other technological revolutions have led to changes in the workplace, AI is steadily changing work as we know it—and this definitely includes marketing. As … Read more

Interview Hack: #1 Secret To Answering Hard Interview Questions

[ When you’re in the hot seat at a job interview, thinking of the best answers can be challenging. In this post, we’ll share our number one secret for answering hard interview questions. Think of it as an interview hack… Document Everything! It’s important to bring up relevant and clear examples that prove you’re a … Read more

10 Things To Remove From Your Resume

[ The average amount of time a recruiter or hiring manager will spend scanning your resume is seven seconds. That’s why it’s important to have just the right kind (and amount) of information on your resume. The phrase “less is more” has often been used for design purposes, but it can apply just as well … Read more

4 Steps To Writing A Disruptive Cover Letter

[ In my experience as an executive resume writer, cover letters only get read about a third of the time they are sent. That being said, when one is required, or you are hoping for that added edge to get a hiring manager’s attention, there is no doubt a great cover letter can make all … Read more

How To Stand Out As The Must-Have Candidate

[ There is a difference between being “qualified” for a job and being the “best person” for the job. “Qualified” means that you can do all the things mentioned in the job description. What makes you the “best person” for the job is proving to the hiring manager that you understand the pain that you’re … Read more

Why Failure Is Important For Success

[ Failure is a negative word. No one wants to fail. Many of us do all we can to avoid the risk of becoming “failures.” But have you ever considered what “failure” actually is? Let’s think about it from a different perspective—as another step in life that takes us towards whatever we do next. Not … Read more

Best Practices For Avoiding Cringey LinkedIn Requests

[ Navigating the professional world of LinkedIn can sometimes feel like walking through a minefield of awkward connection requests and over-the-top sales pitches. We’ve all received those cringe-worthy messages that make us want to hit “ignore” faster than you can say “networking.” But fear not, LinkedIn warriors! Today, we’re diving into making genuine, non-cringey connections … Read more

5 Reasons Why You’re Unemployed

[ “Why am I still unemployed?” At Work It DAILY, we’re asked this question a lot. The reality is that the reason is different for everyone. The good news? You can overcome whatever is holding you back from getting hired. Here are five reasons you’re still unemployed… 1. Your Resume Isn’t Job Specific While it’s … Read more

10 Things Recruiters Won’t Tell You

[ Recruiters have one job: find the right person for the position. Their performance is evaluated on how efficiently and effectively they match top talent to job requirements. Ironically, in the current economy, recruiters are finding their jobs harder than ever. I’m serious. There’s too much talent for them to weed through. What used to … Read more